Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Your Success is in Engaging Your Purpose

You can record what you did well, what could use more improvement and when and where you feel a bit stuck. Sometimes sticking points or plateaus are there for a reason. You can take some time to reconfigure or reorganize 7 day Prayer Miracle Review your goals and objectives. Take the time to notice how you can adapt and still meet your short term goals that can lead to your long term goals. Also, you can write down your doubts and worries and honor those types of thoughts and emotions and get them on the page so that you feel them a bit less in your mind and body. You can get a bit of relief from getting those issues out (To paraphrase William Reich "The issues are trapped in the tissues") You may want to take a few days off from your goals and just relax and get a massage or hypnosis or take an easy yoga class (sometimes these also helps to release these trapped emotions) A journal can be a reference point that can help us light our way through the darkest times.

Imagine walking along the sea shore and seeing your foot steps in the wet sand behind you and knowing that you are tracking those steps so that even if the waves come and wash them away you can still find your way. You can speed your progress by leaps and bounds by being able to keep track of what actions got you closer to your goals and which actions, beliefs and thoughts seemed to get in your way and slow you down. Reduce those unwanted and unhelpful thoughts, beliefs and actions and you will find yourself on a pleasant journey to even greater success. In 1985, I had my first encounter with a 'personal computer'. The PC was actually introduced on the open market 4 years earlier. At the time, I was working for my uncle in Dallas, Texas.

Back in 1975, I had a spiritual awakening that transformed my life. A young, 17 year old rebellious boy, I awoke to a bigger and better purpose and direction for my life. Not long afterward, I was introduced to the burgeoning personal development and self help world. I began devouring books by Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Robert Schuller, Zig Ziglar, Charlie 'T' Jones, Napoleon Hill, W. Clement Stone, Maxwell Maltz and anyone else's books I could get my hands on. I read 'See You At The Top', 'How To Win Friends and Influence People', 'The Success System That Never Fails', 'Think and Grow Rich' and others. I listened to the great audio recording of Earl Nightingale's, 'The Strangest Secret' over and over again. One day, as I was sitting there performing my regular duties, I first encountered the 'find and replace' function in the word processing program. Not long after that, I had an idea that was to germinate in my heart and mind for the next 21 years.

I embarked on a journey that has brought me to a place of living a dream that was born during those early formative adult years. I learned the power and results of affirmations from many of these great success teachers. I found and carefully studied Dr. Shad Helmstetter's book, 'What To Say When You Talk To Yourself'. For those first 17 years, most of my mental, psychological and spiritual programming had been negative. Now I found myself thrust into the amazing message that I was finding every place that I searched. As I worked on the word processing program and started understanding its functions, I had a dream of taking inspiring and spiritual verses from the Bible and inserting my name into every powerful promise of success, prosperity and greatness. I also imagined what it would be like to do this same thing for others in order to empower, encourage and equip them to be all that their hearts desired and imagined.

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