Monday, April 22, 2019

Fig's Are a Fabulous Fiber Find

Modern science has in the last 10 Meridian Health Protocol Review years or so been investigating and proving the many beneficial effects if the Mediterranean diet. It has of course been the staple diet of southern Europeans for hundreds of years but mow thanks to airplanes we can all eat this way. Here are four good reasons to give it a try. Eating healthy food, cooked with a bit of care and with the good fats is actually proven to help you lose weight. You don't need to eat as much to feel full and what you do eat id packed with vitamins and minerals. Using any one of the many Mediterranean recipe books will see you losing as much as 10 pounds a month painlessly.

The Mediterranean diet involves eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, oily fish and olive oil as a dressing. Oily fish and olive oil are rich sources of important mono and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are actually good for you, making your blood less sticky, lowering your cholesterol and helping maintain you in great condition. The chances of getting heart disease are much reduced. Being overweight is a proven risk factor for many types of cancer. Eating a Mediterranean type die not only reduces your weight but the large amount of vitamins and minerals help to fight the free radicals your cells produce each day.

High blood pressure if often called the silent killer, as you show no signs of it until you have a heart attack or a stroke. High blood pressure is closely related to being overweigh and a poor diet. By following the Mediterranean diet not only do you lose weight, you also eat less salt both of which lower your blood pressure. Many studies have shown low levels of vitamins and minerals in many people with hypertension. The large amount of vitamins and minerals you eat each day with the Mediterranean diet correct this to great effect.

Other conditions such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and constipation are helped by the Mediterranean diet. It's easy to follow and most recipes are quick and nutritious. Give it a go and you'll soon feel great. In the United States, our modern society is so preoccupied and overwhelmed with every day activities of living we have lost contact with what is important. Have you ever contemplated the miracle of the human body functioning in harmony with lungs breathing, heart beating, senses sensing, muscles moving, healing and regenerating itself? Few have the time to think about this until problems develop.

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